Hey guys! I have been away for a week, and guess what I’ve been doing? I’ve got myself cozied up with a bunch of reader’s copies of brand new books, and a handful of shows on the beloved NETFLIX. Now, Netflix is one hot shot, isn’t it? Surely, it offers something for everyone. But, the catalogue is vast, and you’re most likely to end up watching something boring, and then quit after few minutes of watching. That’s why you’ll need a guide of TV shows or movies or documentaries. There is also a lot of hype going on, and surely, you’d have heard a lot of reviews about every show…
What Makes You Go Crazy About Your Partner?
Sometime into our married life, I realised… … that as much as we love each other, there are so many little things that would drive us insane. For instance, my husband has this habit of keeping himself occupied all the time, from the minute he enters home, either with his mobile or his laptop. Or by doing speed cubing. Yes, he’s absolutely crazy about all kinds of speed cubing, including blindfolded (not as sexy as it sounds!), and one hand. He even has this headset to avoid any noise (apparently that’s me) while he’s solving them. Oops.
Relationship question :Are you similar or opposites?
When I first met my husband, my best friend pointed out something about me .. He said, “You were always searching for your ‘yin’ so that you could be ‘Yin and Yin’ in your life.” He told me, “You and your husband are Yin and Yang. ” He’s right. Before my husband came along ,I’ve always looked out for someone like me – straight forward, pre-planned, and futuristic. My husband on the other hand, couldn’t be more laid back and composed. As we fell in love and got married, that balance had become the key for our relationship. I’d freak the hell out, while he would stay totally calm, playing…